Baby Bump //

Thursday 3 August 2017

I am currently on the countdown to baby number 3! Baby is currently the size of a butternut squash and with weeks until delivery, baby weighs in at about 4.7 pounds and measures about 17.7 inches! Thats almost baby's full term length!

This time around my 3rd pregnancy has been pretty identical to before. I always had low iron and blood pressure and its even lower now but thats quite normal for most pregnancies. I have gained even less weight than before which is unexpected considering how I have not even done any exercise, at all. Oops
Maybe its because I developed an aversion to tea and sweets in the early days?! Baby is extremely active and I wonder will I even make it to another couple of weeks. Arabella & Isla Rose are extremely clued in to their new baby sister/ brother and ask very precise questions!

People have said that the transition from 2 to 3 is hard but I really think the reality of the transition is different for everyone. I had such a great experience after each birth that I can only hope for the same swift recovery both physically and mentality.  I never had any difficulty with baby 1 or 2. I was very lucky, i know. especially when talking to other mothers who maybe found it more difficult to adjust. I think It all depends on your baby and on your personality. There are things you can do to make it easier on yourself, especially having a strict routine in place with your other children, which we do and stick to 95% of the time. Children thrive on routine so I start from day 1 and I truly believe that is why my children sleep for 12-14 hrs and are great eaters. One of the most important things I will do is have alone time with the new baby for a few months so I can establish a good breastfeeding and sleeping routine. It's always a good idea to accept help when offered, have pre made meals in the freezer and taking things slowly once baby arrives, but making sure that life remains normal and baby fits into your schedule rather than the other way around. 

I am even more excited about this baby arriving as it will be our first baby in our new home!

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